Oksana Popova
Oksana Popova:
High vibrational LIGHT Beings paint through me and with me.

I am brining the LIGHT to 3D world from High Dimensions to help you growing your own Light, to support you in your beautiful path you are walking and to fill you with the joy and happiness.

My work is unusual and unique, you look at it with your heart and with your third eye, then it opens up and bring you gifts.
Oksana's Art
This painting is the pathway of unification between all elements, nature beings, incarnated beings and all unseen forces so that they can open up, listen and communicate freely without any hesitation.

You can see only part of the painting. If you want to see a full painting or you are interested in it, please, use the form below to contact me.
Connecting with your soul
This painting was guided by Amaya to help people to connect with their soul.

You can see only part of the painting. If you want to see a full painting or you are interested in it, please, use the form below to contact me.
Contact Oksana
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