I paint to connect you. To connect you to your soul,
The SANAT KUMARA, The COSMIC MOTHER and their higher dimensional reality of utmost beauty, bountiful life, awe and wonder. Where words are still maturing in silence, I can already see through my soul's eyes and get it on canvas and paper for you with all the energies that come with it.
I am one of the currently 8 Portal Painters the Shambala Unity Council send out to pave the way for a broader visual understanding of reality that is needed during and after
MOTHER EARTH's (AMAYA's) Shift from the third to and through the fifth dimension.
I started to paint watercolors in 2015, overcoming a childhood art trauma. Painting Portals started in 2021 and the insights I have been granted first found their way into watercolor illustrations of
The Chronicles of SANAT KUMARA and his book series
The SANAT KUMARA Speaks. Then
The SANAT KUMARA painted HIS portals through me in acrylics on canvas. Now I am also serving
The COSMIC MOTHER with even more delicate and higher dimensional watercolors.
My Portals are for everyone. You can find them in the ebooks I publish on Amazon. I sell the originals directly the all who are on a path of an Ambassador of Light.
For more information about my work as a portal painter, spiritual writer and podcaster in service of
The COSNIC MOTHER and which portals are still available, please turn to my German and English language