Francis Addeh
Francis Addeh:
Divine energy flows from the invisible to manifest in the visible, directed by higher forces of light to connect souls and elevate consciousness to higher dimensions as we embark on the journey of return to 5D.

From a very young age, I had an interest in visual art, fascinated by the interplay of light and shadow, colour and form, which guided me to a path in visual arts but not pursued as I grew older.
My journey as an artist started unexpectedly in early 2024 when higher dimensional energy directed by light beings started flowing through me to crystallise on canvas through the medium of acrylic paint.

Each piece created is a reflection of my ongoing dialogue with the energy field around me. They are portals to higher forces of light and the reality of life in higher dimensions. A gracious reminder of our divine origin and the oneness of all life in the universe.

Through my work, I hope to inspire others to see the world in a different perspective and the interplay of divine energy vibration and frequency surrounding all in the mundane.

I am excited about the possibility of contributing to paving the way through my artwork, a broader understanding of the reality that is needed during and after MOTHER EARTH’s (AMAYA’s) Shift from the third to and through the Fifth Dimension. I look forward to the opportunity to share my vision and continue to grow as an artist.
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