Deborah Lee Flynn
Deborah Lee Flynn:
Being a watercolor artist is a gift of change in my life. A few years ago, I felt a nudge to try painting with watercolors. I had never done any painting prior to this. But taking a class just did not seem right for me. I tried it on my own for a while and then put it aside.

Last year I was encouraged by Martina to pick up the paintbrushes again. She helped me see my potential by allowing my Soul and Cosmic Beings of Light to paint through me.

As I continued and allowed my Soul and other Cosmic Beings of Light to work and paint through me, I was astonished to see the results. Even now I look at the paintings and feel that I have no idea how I painted them. The process just happened as I stepped aside and allowed.

My paintings are meant to lift the Souls of Earth towards a new turning point. To open new roads for them, new understandings. This turning point allows people to look and sense beyond what they can see.

Contact Deborah
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